Bringing Back Nature

Bringing Back Nature
Marcventures Mining and Development Corporation is fully aware that mining is but a temporary use of land. Thus, we subscribe to the principle that mining should not detract from the potential of the natural environment to provide benefits to future generations. We must return the land to a stable and self-sustaining condition.
Marcventures’ environmental management and protection system for its Carrascal Project includes the implementation of widespread structural erosion control measures, water quality monitoring and management, dust control, and reforestation.
A series of silt traps and ponds maintain water cleanliness in the mine area. This siltation control system is capable of holding 240,000 cubic meters of run-off water, equivalent to 100 Olympic-sized pools. Over at the company’s nickel ore loading area in Carrascal Bay, silt booms are placed to contain any siltation. The contained silt is regularly pumped out to prevent the contamination of coastal waters.
Consequently, the bodies of water within and around Marcventures’ mine are clean. Children continue to play in the clear waters of Carac-an River, while fishermen fish and live off its bounty – proofs that the company’s extensive water quality management efforts are nurturing and sustaining the bodies of water within and around the mine.
Rehabilitation is an integral component of our mine site operations and is vital to mining in an environmentally sustainable manner. Marcventures’ progressive rehabilitation of its mined-out areas is an example of one of best responsible mining practices in the country.
Our goal is to return the Carrascal mine to a natural and stable state, thereby making it available for other uses. This early, we have been looking at techniques that can be applied to the mining project at the end of the mine life. These techniques include the production and use of Biochar that will enable unfertile lands to be arable for cash crops like coffee and cacao.

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